Wednesday, July 8, 2020

St. Mark COVID-19 Strategy & Guidelines Beginning July 2020

St. Mark COVID-19 
Strategy & Guidelines
Beginning July 2020

1.      Though the individual hours of our staff remain flexible, the church office hours will increase to every weekday from 9:00am to 1:00pm.

2.      Small groups are allowed to meet on-site beginning July 1st. Leaders and attendees must follow the Small Group Guidelines outlined in this document.

3.      Anyone who participates in activities, programs, or services must complete the waiver form, Participation During a Pandemic, available in the church office.

4.      At this time, Sunday worship remains exclusively online. However, beginning on July 22nd we will provide an in-person worship service on Wednesday nights at 6:30p.m. This service will be recorded and used for the following Sunday’s online worship video.
a.    For safety reasons, this service will be treated as a small group and must adhere to the Small Group Guidelines, which prohibit physical contact and require a face mask at all times.
b.    Singing and spoken corporate prayers will not occur. Participants may whisper prayers, or speak from their heart.
c.    At this time, there will be no communion on Wednesday evenings, or fellowship time afterward.
d.    Hymns and other musical elements that require voices or breath will be edited afterward for the Sunday worship video.
e.    Attendance on Wednesday nights will be limited to 50 people or fewer, and all who wish to attend must sign up in advance. Registration will be available by calling the office or by using the online form available on the website and the smartphone app. Repeat attendance will be limited based on the number of people who are waiting to attend the first time.

5.      Certain precautions have been put in place to ensure the safety of all who enter.
a.    Though everyone is encouraged to bring their own mask, the church will provide disposable facemasks to anyone who may need one.
b.    Hand sanitation stations will be placed throughout the building.
c.    A professional zoom account will be available for use in the conference room to any small group leader who requests access.
d.    Rooms that are not in use will be off-limits unless authorized by a member of staff.
e.    After a space has been used by a small group, it will be thoroughly disinfected.
f.     Attendance will be recorded at all gatherings.

6.      The council is aiming for an outdoor, in-person worship service on Rally Sunday, September 13th, provided that Rockford is in Restore Illinois Phase 4 or higher. This remains only a possibility for now.

7.      The current pastoral transition process will continue, following our congregation’s constitution and bylaws. If a congregational meeting is required, the council will devise a clear and accommodating plan so that no one is excluded due to the pandemic.

Guidelines for Small Groups
St. Mark Lutheran Church
Rockford, IL

As St. Mark resumes some Small Group activities during the COVID-19 pandemic, the council has certain requirements for anyone who meets on church property. For the safety of all our members, and in keeping with our calling as Christians to love our neighbors, groups that meet on-site must follow these guidelines. Groups that meet off-site are strongly encouraged to follow these to the best of their ability. The health and welfare of our members and visitors is our number one priority in resuming all activities at St. Mark Lutheran Church. As it is determined to be safe enough, we will continue to gradually resume more of our “normal” church activities.

Small Group Leaders:
   Complete and submit the Participation During a Pandemic waiver.
   Schedule and coordinate gatherings through the office to ensure that there are no overlapping meetings during this time. Stay only in designated areas, and adhere to capacity limits. Though the state allows groups of 50 or fewer, our capacity limits vary based on room size.
   Provide a virtual meeting option for those unable to attend in person. The church’s Zoom account is available when using the conference room, and the office staff can assist you in setting up and coordinating a Zoom meeting. (other options include phone conference calls and other video calling services you are familiar with). Due to limitations, musical groups are exempt from this requirement and encouraged to come up with other creative means to include at-home participants.
   Take the temperature of all attendees upon arrival, or assign a volunteer to do so. Kindly, but firmly, ask anyone with a fever greater than 100°F to return home. A thermometer will be provided by the church office.
   Ensure that they and all attendees adhere to social distancing guidelines, as listed below.
   Keep an attendance record of all attendees and submit it to the church office.

   Complete and submit the Participation During a Pandemic waiver.
   Wear a face mask at all times. If a medical condition keeps you from doing so, please stay home for your own safety and take advantage of the virtual meeting option provided by the small group leader.
   Allow your temperature to be taken upon arrival. If you are experiencing any symptoms of illness, including a fever of 100°F or higher, you will be asked to return home.
   Refrain from handshakes, hugs, and all physical contact.
   Regularly wash or sanitize hands, especially after using the restroom or touching your face.
   Limit restroom capacity to one person at a time, unless with a family member or another individual under your care.
   Maintain a distance of 6 feet between yourself and others.

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