Thursday, March 23, 2023

Connecting with God!

I don’t know about you, but this year Lent seems to have gone by rather quickly. Even though Lent seems to have gone by quicker than I expected it to, I have been able to enjoy a Lenten practice.  For me, Lent is a time for self-reflection and time to connect with God as we journey with Jesus to the cross and the grave.  It’s a time where we can engage in a Lenten practice, new or old.

This year my Lenten practice is carrying prayer beads in my pocket.  Despite the fact that I have had prayer beads for a few years now, I have not regularly carried them in my pocket.  I have only forgotten them one day and I felt lost without them.  I often find myself reaching in my pocket throughout the day just to touch the prayer beads. I am reminded each time I reach in my pocket about my connection to God.  They are a tangible reminder of God’s presence in my life.  

This Sunday is the 5th Sunday of Lent, we will soon enter Holy Week with the excitement of Palm Sunday.  We will wave palms and we will proclaim “Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord.  Hosanna in the Highest.”  Shortly after we wave the palms, we will humble ourselves with a foot washing and then face Jesus as he is crucified.  And not long after Jesus is laid in the tomb, we will celebrate with great excitement the Easter proclamation.

I have enjoyed spiritual practices for several years now, more than I ever thought I would. Even though Lent is quickly coming to an end, I plan to continue to carry my prayer beads as a spiritual practice beyond Lent and Easter.  I have found an inner peace and a deeper connection with God with each spiritual practice.  Some of the spiritual practices I have enjoyed are prayer beads, reading devotionals, being outside in God’s beautiful creation, and just taking a moment to stop and take a deep breath in the midst of a busy day.  Have you enjoyed a spiritual practice?  If so, how has the spiritual practice connected you to God? 

Yours in Christ, 

Pastor Katrina Steingraeber

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