Thursday, September 29, 2022

What is Our Mission?

St. Mark’s mission statement is everywhere. It is on every bulletin and in every email. It has been printed on t-shirts, annual reports, and banners. It is so prevalent that if you are anything like me, you gloss over it and barely notice it’s there. It is an excellent statement, written way before I was in the picture. After everything we have been through the last three years, it would be a good idea to step back and reflect on what our mission statement can mean for this group of individuals who share life together in the community we call St. Mark Lutheran Church.

“Growing in Faith. Sharing God’s Grace.” That’s it. When we do it right, this two-part mission gives us what we need to sustain our faith, and it creates in us a desire to take part in the amazing things God is doing in our world. Worship, Sunday School, Study Groups, Circles, Outreach, and so many opportunities in between help us grow and share the good news of God’s love with the world. I am continually amazed at how well St. Mark does these things, thanks to the tireless commitment of so many volunteers, staff members, and donors.

Sunday morning will kick off Stewardship Season at St. Mark. While it is as important as ever to ensure our budget is sound, this year we will also reflect on how we might pledge our whole selves to our mission statement. The work of any congregation depends on the gifts of resources, time, and talents. Because of that, our goal is two-fold: To meet our financial needs for 2023, and to commit our time and talents to our many ministries.

The council has set a goal of $720,000 in pledged giving for 2023, which was our goal last year. We all have the opportunity to pledge toward that goal by filling out a Plan for Giving card on a Sunday, or by submitting a plan online. For the first time this year, we will also have the opportunity to complete a Servant Commitment Form, where we can recommit to the ways we are already involved, as well as take part in new opportunities. My hope is that 175 of our members complete this form during the month of October. Members will receive all the necessary materials in the mail next week, and we will have all month to pray and reflect on how we can continue to be a church united in God’s grace.

Our ministries and programs, as well as our budget, will depend on the response you give. These goals are filled with a lot of hope, and if we meet them we can continue to thrive as we grow in faith and share God’s grace!


Pastor Chad McKenna


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