Thursday, August 25, 2022

The Right Time

Romans 12:2  Do not be conformed to this age, but be transformed by the renewing of the mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.

I have thoroughly enjoyed being a youth leader at St. Mark for the last twenty-one years.  I plan to retire October 16th. I am thankful to all my St. Mark family.  I especially want to thank the people I have worked with, the inspiring pastors, all of the staff, the interims, the associates, the council members, the congregation, and most importantly the youth and their families. I’ve learned something from everyone along the way. There have been many supportive people to me over these years. Thank you!

One of my goals has always been that St. Mark reaches outward to our community.  I am thankful for being part of that outreach. I will continue to be involved, and caring about the community and our world.

Thank you to ALL my St. Mark family. You really are family! 

I want to thank my husband Paul for always being willing to help as needed, on youth trips, drive to events, haul supplies, etc.

Now it’s time to join Paul in retirement. We are hoping to ride our bicycles, and travel. We want to spend time visiting our own kids in Minneapolis, Bettendorf, and South Beloit. And we want to spend time with our granddaughter.

I am so grateful for Pastor Chad, he has an incredible heart. I am so thankful for Pastor Katrina she also has such a heart for ministry. With their combined skill set (did you know they both can do anything!) the sky is the limit! With the incredible leadership from our pastors, I feel confident in the future of St. Mark.

I love our youth and all the people of St. Mark. We plan to be here in worship and volunteer and help support the work of the church.

God is good…All the time!

Yours in community and yours in Christ,

Melinda Alekna

Youth Ministry Coordinator

Philippians 4:6-7 Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.  


Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Joy of God's Creation!

There is something about the sound of gentle rain.  It is relaxing and peaceful.  Sometimes you can even smell the rain.  After the rain has stopped you can see the tiny drops of rain hanging onto each blade of grass and you can feel the rain dripping from the branches of the trees.  And falling asleep to the sound of rain, there may not be a better sound to fall asleep to.  When I take the time to notice the simple pleasures of God’s creation, I am amazed at God’s handy work.  

Today I woke up in Wisconsin, in a house on a Lake.  When I looked out on the lake I saw some fog rising off the water.  I heard loons calling out from the lake.  And there was a family of ducks hanging out on the dock.  And again, I am amazed at God’s handy work. 

As the sun breaks the clouds and shadows from the trees appear on the grass, it seems as though the earth is slowly waking up.  The lake seems to welcome the warmth of the sun. I feel very fortunate to be here, I love being on a lake.  Many of you know my family enjoys kayaking, canoeing, and paddle boarding, and that is what we plan to do. 

Being near a lake also seems to slow things down.  There is no rush to finish your coffee or your breakfast.  No alarm to get you moving, just a time for rest and renewal.  A time to soak in as much of God’s beautiful creation as possible. 

As I spend time soaking up God’s beautiful creation in Wisconsin, I invite you to find time to enjoy God’s beautiful creation.  I invite you to notice the color of a flower, the shape of leaves on the trees, or the dew on the grass.  I give God thanks for creation and the marvelous wonders we are privileged to enjoy. 

God’s Peace, 

Pastor Katrina Steingraeber

Annual Report of the Pastors

Dear Siblings in Christ, As your pastors, we feel blessed to journey alongside you. This past year brought a change to St. Mark. As of Nov...