Thursday, June 23, 2022

Reflections from Synod Assembly

As I have reflected on the Synod Assembly, I find myself filled with joy for the opportunity to be with fellow colleagues and with lay folks from across the Northern Illinois Synod.  This was my second time being a part of an election for the Office of Bishop.  When Bishop Clements was elected I served in a helper role with the election process.  This year I was part of the voting community.  Bishop-Elect Stacie Fidlar was elected to the Office of Bishop in the fifth ballot.  Pastor Stacie will begin her call to serve as bishop on September 1st and her installation will be on October 8th at Trinity Lutheran Church in Rockford.  Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton will officiate the installation. 

I give thanks for the work of Bishop Jeffrey Clements.  He has served as bishop since 2016.  I am grateful for Bishop Clements wisdom during my time of candidacy.  Bishop Clements officiated my ordination and the installation service of both Pastor Chad and myself.  I wish him well as he prepares for retirement.  I pray for the synod as they begin to prepare for the transition from Bishop Jeffrey Clements to Bishop-Elect Stacie Fidlar.  I ask you to join me in praying for the synod and the bishops.  

I want to express my deepest gratitude to the synod assembly delegates from St. Mark; Marsha and Randy Scott and Laura and Mark Snyder. You represented the people of St. Mark with grace and love for our church and the larger church. Thank you for serving as delegates. 

My favorite part of Synod Assembly is the final worship service.  For me, this is the best way to end the assembly.  We come together to worship and gather around Christ’s table.  In Bishop Clements sermon, as some of you may have already heard me say, he gave us marching orders to Go!  Go to your neighbors for the sake of the world.  And go for the love of God and for the sake of the world.  This has been on my mind since Bishop said it.  I have spent time reflecting on what we at St. Mark do for the sake of our neighbor and our world.  My heart is filled with great appreciation and joy as the VBS kids brought in food for our St. Mark Market that serves our neighbors in need.  I also loved the sound of the change that was poured into the containers last Sunday.  The clinking sound of the changes was a joyous sound of loving our global neighbors through the work of the ELCA World Hunger.  I acknowledge there is much work that we must continue to do for our neighbor and our world.  I am confident that we will continue to do the hard work.


Pastor Katrina Steingraeber  

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