Thursday, December 2, 2021

Enjoying the ordinary!

One Wednesday morning, my spouse and I were sitting at the kitchen table just like we do almost every morning.  He was eating his breakfast and reading the headlines in the news and I was enjoying a warm cup of coffee.  We had a few moments of small talk, nothing of real importance.  As I took a sip of my coffee, I happened to look out the window and noticed the beautiful sky.  The colors were so vibrant, I was completely taken in. 

I often gaze out the window as I drink my coffee and my spouse eats his breakfast.  Sometimes I watch the birds at our bird feeders, other times I watch the squirrels chase each other up and down the trees.  This morning felt different than other mornings.  It was as if time stood still for a moment as I enjoy God’s beautifully painted sky, filled with vibrant reds, oranges, yellows, pinks, and blues.  I was in awe!

As I sat there in awe, I thought about Thanksgiving and Advent and the changing seasons.  I gave God thanks for the many blessings in my life; my family and friends, my church family, and my call to serve here at St. Mark Lutheran Church, and I thanked God for the ordinary moments in life.  Those ordinary moments are sacred moments.   

As we enter the season of Advent, I am reminded that this is a season of waiting.  As the first Sunday of Advent devotional says, “The coming of our Savior takes time because salvation takes time.  God does not snap God’s fingers or push a button in order to save us.  God sends God’s Son to be with us and love us.  Salvation is a relationship.  This takes time.  This is worth waiting for.” (pg. 3 The Fullness of Time)  

As we wait for the coming of Jesus, I invite you to enjoy those ordinary but sacred simple moments.  Let yourself be taken in by the beauty of those moments.  There is beauty in a warm cup of coffee and watching the birds. There is beauty in sitting at the table with your spouse.  I pray that you find God in those ordinary beautiful moments. 

God’s peace and love to you all,

Pastor Katrina Steingraeber

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