Thursday, April 30, 2020

Our Wilderness Wandering

Dear St. Mark friends,

Last week, we learned that Illinois will have a modified stay-at-home order beginning May 1.  Thus, we will continue to offer online Sunday worship services for the foreseeable future.  The “foreseeable future,” however, is quite vague.  I had two conversations with Bishop Jeffrey Clements this week regarding the eventual return to regular worship for our synod congregations.  He said that he doesn’t anticipate that happening until mid-summer at the earliest.  Bishop Jeff noted that churches will need to follow state guidelines as we slowly introduce small group gatherings...eventually leading to medium and larger group gatherings.  This will take time, involving steps and phases to properly evaluate and implement our courses of action. 

Such waiting is hard for all of us.  Day by day, we grow wearier of this stay-at-home routine.  It is precisely in such situations that Scripture encourages us to turn to God for patience, strength, and hope.  The Psalms can be a true source of inspiration for us during these long days of waiting and longing for a return to normalcy.  Yet, we wonder what that new normal will be and how will we adapt to it?

As you know, my final Sunday is scheduled for May 31, Day of Pentecost.  I am deeply disappointed that my last month as your senior pastor precludes our worshiping together at St. Mark.  These remaining weeks will not include the joyful face-to-face encounters I had hoped to share with you.  Still, I trust that God will somehow provide what we need to acknowledge the significance and delight of our 15 years together as “pastor and people.”  I want you to know that I intend to be available for the first weekend we are allowed to worship together at the church, whatever that might look like.  I’m eager to have the chance to say “good-bye” to you in person.

In the meantime, we pray for God’s grace to sustain us.  I also want to thank you for your continual support of St. Mark through your financial gifts to our ministry.  During this difficult time, we have fallen behind in our offerings and need your assistance.  I would kindly ask that you revisit your pledge for this year and strive to fulfill your weekly giving.  While our ministry feels like it’s “on hold,” our financial commitments continue...and we need your help to stay current.  Again, I extend my appreciation for your faithfulness and support.

Together, we will get through this time more resilient and focused as a congregation.  I am grateful for your witness to the power of God’s Spirit to lead us!

Walking this journey of faith with you,

Pastor Mark

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