Thursday, August 22, 2024

Many Thanks

Thank you for supporting the youth who went to New Orleans for the ELCA Youth Gathering.  Thank you to those who donated money, who helped with and supported the fundraisers, who pied a pastor, and especially for the prayers.  I appreciate you all! 

While in New Orleans the youth experienced a different culture, different food, and a hotter climate.  The heat was definitely felt by all who attended the gathering.  Besides experiencing New Orleans, the youth and the leaders heard inspirational speakers who shared their stories with the 16,000 youth who filled the stadium.  There was great music each night, which added to the experience.  The Holy Spirit was present in New Orleans.

At the end of each night we would gather and share the highs and lows of the day.  Often the lows were how hot it was, but the highs were different for each person.  While I don’t have permission to share the highs of the youth, I will share one of my highs from the trip, it was the youth.  The youth were great, they did an amazing job dealing with the crazy schedule, the miles of walking, and an eating schedule that changed daily.  They handled it all with grace.  They did better than I did.  The youth showed a level of love for others that was so beautiful.  We have amazing youth at St. Mark and Grace!  They are truly the hands and feet of Jesus in our community. 

The ELCA Youth Gathering is a lot.  It took a lot of planning, time, and money for the 15 of us from St. Mark and Grace to get to New Orleans.  At times it was pretty intense.  I am glad I had the opportunity to attend a gathering.  I witnessed how God is at work in New Orleans and how that looks a bit different than it does here in Rockford.  My hope is that each one of the youths and adults who attended the gathering left with a sense of what God is up to in New Orleans and in their own lives.  And I hope everyone left with a bit of wisdom from speakers at the mass gathering. 

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Katrina Steingraeber

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