Thursday, April 11, 2024

God at Work in Nature

One of my favorite parts of spring is watching nature come to life after resting all winter long.  It is even more joyous and meaningful because this happens in the Easter season.  I was very excited when my tulips, hyacinths, and daffodils started popping out of the ground.  This excitement quickly turned to worrying if my flowers would survive the additional snowfall in March. Thankfully most of them have fared well despite being buried under snow for a bit. 

I noticed recently that my plum tree has little flowers on it.  I just love the dainty little white flowers that blossom in the spring.  I am anxiously waiting for my redbud tree to flower.  Both of these trees are favorite spots for the birds to stop and rest as they visit my yard. 

As I look at all the new growth in my yard, I see signs of God at work in creation.  One of the places where I feel connected to God is in nature.  I enjoy being outside.  I enjoy the sounds of nature and the colors of nature.  I enjoy watching the bare trees fill their branches with leaves.  Each day it seems like something new is popping out of the ground. This is God at work in nature right in front of us.   

I encourage you to look out your window or better yet go outside.  While you do this, engage your senses and take in all that is happening in nature.  God is a work in nature and God is at work in you.  It is amazing what God can do for us if we take a moment to stop, listen, and look around at all God is doing in our lives and in nature.

Yours in Christ, 

Pastor Katrina Steingraeber  

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