Thursday, November 9, 2023

From All Saint's Day to Thanksgiving

In some ways, it is hard to believe that we are in the month of November.  October seemed to go by very quickly.  This month is filled with many emotions.  We began November with All Saint’s Day where we remembered those who have died since last year’s All Saint’s Day and we will end the month with a holiday centered around giving thanks.

On All Saint’s Day Pastor Chad and I read the many names of beloved children of God who are no longer with us.  It was a heavy day.  As I have reflected on All Saint’s Day, I find myself thinking of my interactions with many of those saints. I reminisce about the conversations and visits we shared and how they each made an impact on my life.  I am beyond grateful for each one of them.  So, as we continue towards Thanksgiving, I will carry with me those stories and that gratitude for the impact they made in my life and the life of St. Mark. 

I seem to have the phrase, “Give thanks with a grateful heart” stuck in my head.  I have caught myself singing those words or just the phrase popping in my head at what feels like random times throughout the week.  Each time these words pop into my mind I try to figure out why.  After attempting to figure out why for several days, I decided to just sit with those words and I tried not to overthink it.  This is not always an easy thing to do.  However, as I sit with those words’ images have popped into my head.  Images of the many things in my life that I am thankful for.  I have so much to be thankful for and I thank God for the many blessings in my life.  I invite you to sit with the phrase, “Give thanks with a grateful heart.”  What pops into your head?  How has God blessed you today?

If you find yourself struggling with All Saint’s Day, knowing that your loved one is no longer with you, I want you to know that you are loved and prayed for by the pastors, staff, and community of St. Mark.  We are here for you; to love you and support you in times of struggles and times of joy.

Yours in Christ, 

Pastor Katrina Steingraeber     


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