Thursday, April 21, 2022

Blessed Easter!

Easter is my favorite season of the church year.  Perhaps some of you feel the same about Easter.  This year Easter felt even more special.  At times I felt my inner child come alive with excited anticipation of Easter Sunday.  Part of my excitement is because this was my first Easter as a pastor.  But even more so, because this year we were in person, inside the sanctuary.  I was overjoyed to see the sanctuary filled with people.  The kids all dressed up in their Easter outfits.  The smell of the flowers filled the building.  And then the music.  The trumpet and bells playing and the choir and congregation singing; it was all so beautiful!  It was a joy filled Easter Celebration!

One of my family’s traditions is to take an Easter family photo before heading off to church.  This year our tradition changed a little bit since I am typically up and out of the house on Sunday mornings before anyone else is awake.  Instead of a picture outside we took a picture in the sanctuary.  A few other families did the same thing on Easter morning.  At first, I thought I would miss the traditional family photo taken in our front yard, but surprisingly I did not.  I enjoyed starting a new tradition, of taking a family photo inside the sanctuary of St. Mark with the beautiful, colorful glass as the backdrop. 

As we continue through the Easter season, I encourage you to continue to lift up the Easter proclamation; Alleluia!  Christ is risen.  Christ is risen indeed. Alleluia!  Look for signs of Easter in the flowers as they begin to bloom, in the birds and animals as they move about the yard, and in the people, you encounter each day.  I encourage you to share the Easter joy with those around you. 

Blessed Easter to you all! 

Peace, Pastor Katrina Steingraeber

Reflecting on Our Baptism

As we prepare to enter the church season of Lent, I invite you to reflect on your baptism.   At your baptism you entered into the body of be...