Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Farewell and a Greeting

Happy New Year!

I am so thankful for the many people who helped our congregation this past year, whether with a single act or continuous service. I have always been impressed by the work our staff does, and 2020 was no exception. 

On December 30th, our staff bid farewell to Karen Osolin, who worked at the front desk since May, 2019. Before that, she spent some time in our finance office. Karen has been an active member for years, and she has already started volunteering again. In her work she interacted with many of you, and I am sure you would agree that it was a joy to have her on our staff. 

As we say goodbye to Karen, we now welcome Sharon Erickson to the St. Mark staff. Sharon is also a member, and is a member of the Voices of St. Mark. She has served on council in recent years. She and our other receptionist, Jamie Mundy, will be the first people you see when you come in the building during the day, and the first voices you hear when you call. The two of them will also coordinate Sunday volunteers and assist our office manager, Jill Davenport, as needed. It is a true blessing to be able to work along such caring and dedicated people. Please join me in thanking Karen for her years of service, and in welcoming Sharon to this new and vital role!


Pastor Chad 

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