Thursday, October 29, 2020

An Important Worship Update

 Dear friends,

At last night’s council meeting, we finalized our pandemic guidelines and worship plans for the rest of the year. The guidelines seem to be constantly shifting, and at times we have been getting mixed messages from the state and the county. We have adapted well to these changes, and it is my hope that we can have even more clarity going forward. Our plan is similar to other ELCA churches in the Rockford area.

For the most part, the guidelines that affect us are those that mandate capacity limits in social gatherings. At the moment, that limit has been set by the state at 10 people or fewer. As long as our small groups can stick to that limit, while also following all guidelines for social distancing, you can still gather at St. Mark. Our capacity limit will always be what the State of Illinois has set for social gatherings, and we will do our best to let you know when that number changes. Unless a full lockdown is implemented again, or a major breakout occurs in our congregation, we plan to have the building open for all groups that are able to follow the guidelines we have had since mid-summer.

When it comes to worship, we are a bit more limited. Our drive-in worship has been a huge success, and it has allowed us to gather in larger numbers than if we were indoors. I am so thankful to all who made it possible these last two months. The weather dictates if we can meet, though. Travel advisories, storm warnings, and freezing temperatures all would cause us to cancel outdoor worship, and this Sunday morning is likely to be too cold. Outdoor worship is no longer a reliable first option, and so it is time to say goodbye to that form of worship unless we have a necessary constitutional reason to gather in person.

As far as worshipping inside, It simply isn’t feasible to have in-person worship unless the capacity limit is at 50 or more. Anything smaller, and we will certainly be turning away more people than those we can allow to worship. So, as soon as we are able to have 50 people in one room, we will return to in-person worship, with strict social distancing guidelines in place.

Until then, Sunday worship will look much like it did this past week; streamed live from the sanctuary with only our leaders present. However, there will be one major difference starting November 8th. The Worship & Music Committee, Altar Guild, Council, and staff have all been working hard to give us a way to share in communion while worshipping at a distance. This is one aspect of our worship that I do not want to lose as we return to online services. Beginning next Monday, we will have home communion kits available for which you can pick-up at church, or have delivered to your home. More details about these kits will be in tomorrow’s Memos. I should also mention that your pastors are always available by appointment to give you the sacrament. Pastor Chuck is available for home visits, and Pastor Robert and I can meet you at the church. Simply call the office to make an appointment. And, if you know anyone who has limited access to the internet and our online services, please direct them our way.

One final thing: The holiday season is right around the corner! We plan to prepare online services for Thanksgiving Eve, Christmas Eve, and Epiphany, as well as our annual Christmas Concert. There is more, though. Plans are underway for a Living Nativity event on December 19th, and on Christmas Eve, we will have multiple brief, outdoor worship services throughout the day. It promises to be a unique yet meaningful experience, and we will let you know more as we get closer to that holy day.

Thank you so much for your patience and grace in this difficult year. I pray you are well, and I hope we are able to be together again soon.


Pastor Chad

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