Thursday, March 19, 2020

Update from Pastor Mark

Dear St. Mark friends,

Last week, we made the tough, but necessary decision to cancel all worship services and events in order to provide an additional level of protection against the rapid spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus disease.  On Monday, Bishop Jeffrey Clements urged all congregations in our synod to likewise cancel all worship services and events for the foreseeable future.  We’re urging everyone to adhere to the new guidelines and restrictions as they are communicated daily by community, state, and national leaders.  Please take these seriously and limit your contact with those outside your home. 

The church office will be sparsely staffed weekday mornings in order to limit contact with others during this critical time.  Next Tuesday’s staff and Council meetings will use Zoom, a remote conferencing service that allows members to participate in meetings off-site.  We encourage other groups to consider using this service to stay in touch and hold meetings.

This Sunday, we will begin weekly streaming of abbreviated, pre-recorded worship services on our St. Mark YouTube page, available for viewing throughout the day on Sundays, beginning at 8:00 A.M.  Pastor Chad’s sermon from last Sunday, March 15, is also now available on YouTube.  These short, weekly pre-recordings will include prelude music, the reading of our three scripture lessons, a full-length sermon, and the prayers of the church.  I estimate these will last approximately twenty-five minutes.  Look for a special email on Sunday morning providing a link to this service on YouTube.  We’re hopeful this will give our congregation a much-needed sense of community during these difficult times of separation.

Your weekly offerings to St. Mark are no less vital during this time.  Please make every effort to stay current with your weekly pledge by giving online, using our St. Mark App (Pushpay), or mailing in your weekly offering.  I thank you for your continued financial support!  Please visit our church Facebook page for regular updates and news.  Also, consider using our Instant Church Directory App to stay in contact with those members who would appreciate hearing from you during this lonely time of isolation.

I ask for your patience and prayers as we face this pandemic together.  While we can’t predict what’s immediately ahead of us, we can live our days with assurance and faith in the Lord of the Church to be with us.   As always, please feel free to contact Pastor Chad or me...we’re here to offer our support.

Walking this journey of faith with you,

Pastor Mark

Church website:
Church phone: 815-398-3557

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