Thursday, February 13, 2020

ELCA World Hunger's Forty Days of Giving

Dear friends,
The season of Lent is soon upon us, beginning with Ash Wednesday services at Noon and at 6:45 P.M. on February 26.  This year, we are joining our brothers and sisters in the ELCA by participating in a Church-wide program called, ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving.  Here’s a brief description: 
“Lent is a time of reflection and repentance, of sacrifice and self-examination. But Lent is also a season of hope — hope in the work God is doing in the world, even in the most challenging times. Safety and stability for refugees and migrants. The renewal of the earth. Sufficient livelihood for all. These are just a few of the things of which we dream, fueled by the Holy Spirit.
“This Lent, ELCA World Hunger is extending a special invitation to congregations: Lift up the life-changing work of ELCA World Hunger through new levels of giving – spiritually, intellectually and financially – through ELCA World Hunger’s 40 Days of Giving. Congregations will join together to raise $2 million to benefit the ministries of ELCA World Hunger. You’re invited to join together with fellow supporters to study, pray and give. Accompany us as we journey with our neighbors in hope for a just world where all are fed.”
During the Lenten season, we are asking each St. Mark household to consider giving $2.00 per day over 40 days (totaling $80) toward this effort.  You will be able to give via Pushpay on your St. Mark App, as well as by check to St. Mark, designated, “ELCA 40 Days of Giving.”  Please look for more detailed information as we approach Lent on March 1. That Sunday, former St. Mark member and now ELCA Director of Communications & Marketing, Laury Rinker, will be at all three worship services to help introduce this program.

During the Lenten Wednesday evening worship services, Pastor Chad and I will share various meditations from this program, including:

            March 4 – Safety and Stability, Pr. Mark
            March 11 – Livelihoods, Pr. Chad
            March 18 – Justice for All, Pr. Mark
            March 25 – Leadership, Pr. Chad
            April 1 – Renewal of Earth, Pr. Mark

We’re excited for this opportunity to share in the larger ministry efforts of the ELCA this Lent!

Walking this journey of faith with you,
Pastor Mark Hagen

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