Thursday, May 9, 2019

Welcome, Wendy Iversen and Karen Osolin, as New Office Staff!

Dear friends,

As you know, we are blessed with a multitude of talented church staff members.  In the past year, we have seen the departure of three of these staff members: Karen Kammer, Dave Blunt and Marsha Scott.  Julie Eshleman began her work as Director of Christian Education on January 2 and is off to a fantastic start.  Karen Osolin has worked alongside Dave Blunt many months now as the search continued for a replacement of the Finance Manager.  They’ve done a marvelous job of keeping the finance responsibilities running smoothly.

Wendy Iversen
Today, I am excited to announce the hiring of Wendy Iversen as our new Finance Manager.  Wendy is a member of the Rockford community and is actively involved in her own church.  She comes with a Bachelor of Science in Accountancy from NIU and has passed the Certified Public Accountant Exam.  Wendy will be in the office Monday through Thursday mornings.  Dave Blunt will provide orientation to Wendy as she begins her work with us.  This transition means Dave Blunt will soon be fully retired!  I encourage you to greet Wendy when you stop by the office.

Karen Osolin
Meanwhile, Karen Osolin has graciously agreed to accept the position of Office Receptionist, previously served by Marsha Scott.  Karen is perfectly suited to this position, and we are delighted to see Karen shift office spaces as she continues to eagerly serve St. Mark.

As you can imagine, these have not been easy positions to fill.  They require highly qualified individuals, eager to serve the church and to be committed to our greater mission.  God has been incredibly faithful to us in providing a continuity of dedicated, hard-working staff members!

Walking this journey of faith with you,

Pastor Mark

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